QoMEX 2013

Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience


Sixth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience


The 6th edition of QoMEX will be held in Singapore with Stefan Winkler as the general chair.

Stefan Winkler (General Chair of QoMEX 2014) presenting his plans for QoMEX’14 in Singapore during QoMEX’13 dinner.

Below you can find the original call for proposals for QoMEX’14.

Invitation to Submit Proposals [PDF]

Proposals are invited for the 6th edition of the International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) to be held in 2014. The primary goal of the workshop is to bring together leading professionals and scientists in multimedia quality and user experience from around the world.

Requirements for proposal submission:

Content and Format: Propose a clear format of the workshop. The proponents are asked to suggest a three-day format. The format should combine focused theme topics with general topics of interest to the QoMEX audience.

Team: Propose an organizing and a technical program committee. The proponents are asked to provide a list of key organizing committee members. The organizing committee should be international and should have proven experience in organizing other international conferences and events.. An initial list of a technical program committee from which reviewers will be drawn should also be proposed.

Scheduling, Location and Costs: Propose detailed plan and budget. Proponents are encouraged to select a location that is easily accessible. The characteristics of the venue and costs associated should be included. In particular a budget for a 50/75/100/125 person workshop should be presented, as well as handling procedure for deficit/profit. A template can be provided on request.

Paper Review: Propose solutions for the review process. A system wherein three or more primary reviewers for each paper can be handled should be proposed. The proposal should estimate how many reviewers will be needed, and indicate how and how many additional good quality reviewers outside the technical program committee will be recruited. The proponents are expected to build a database of reliable and good quality reviewers, which can be enhanced upon the previous years’ reviewers base.

Steering Committee:

  • Loretta Anania, European Comission
  • Alan Bovik, University of Texas
  • Ian Burnett, RMIT
  • Touradj Ebrahimi, EPFL/NTNU (Chair)
  • Khaled El-Maleh, Qualcomm (Co-chair)
  • David Geerts, IBBT – KULeuven
  • Lina Karam, Arizona State University (Treasurer)
  • Bastiaan Kleijn, Victoria U. of Wellington • Sebastian Möller, TU Berlin
  • Fernando Pereira, IST-IT
  • Andrew Perkis, NTNU – IET (Secretary) • Amy Reibman, AT&T Labs
  • Peter Schelkens, IBBT – VUB
  • Henry Wu, RMIT

Proposal submission:

Proposals should be submitted electronically to the Steering Committee Secretary Prof. Andrew Perkis, andrew@iet.ntnu.no, by June 15, 2013.

Proposals should address the workshop content, format and scheduling requirements.

Proponents are strongly encouraged to present their proposal at the Steering Committee meeting held during QoMEX 2013 in Klagenfurt, Austria (3-5 July, 2013) .


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  1. Pingback: QoMEX 2014 Call for Proposals | QoMEX 2013

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