The program is available here and we are happy to announce the talk of Thomas Richter on “HDR Image Quality in the Evolution of JPEG XT” as part of the QUALINET Industry Forum and Expo.
Additionally, for all presenters, please follow the instructions for presenters when preparing your preparing your workshop presentation. Please check the requirements and guidelines for both oral and poster presentations.
For oral presentation, please have your presentations ready on a USB stick and contact the session chair before your session to allow for pre-loading onto the venue computers. Note that poster presenters are invited to participate in a poster madness session which allows them to introduce their poster presentation orally. Please note that your poster madness presentation slides are due by June 30, 5pm (Pacific Time) to allow for pre-loading onto the venue computers. Please submit your slides without animations to using the paper ID with the following format X-YY.ppt(x) at which X={F,S} (full, short) and YY=[0-9][0-9].