To help authors prepare for oral and poster presentations, the following suggestions have been created:
Oral Presentations
PRESENTATION TIME: Presentation time is critical: each paper is allocated 30 minutes for oral presentation sessions. We recommend that presentation of your slides should take about 20 minutes, leaving 5-10 minutes for introduction by the session chair and questions from the audience. To achieve appropriate timing, organize your slides or viewgraphs around the points you intend to make, using no more than one slide per minute. A reasonable strategy is to allocate about 2 minutes per slide when there are equations or important key points to make, and one minute per slide when the content is less complex. Slides attract and hold attention, and reinforce what you say – provided you keep them simple and easy to read. Plan on covering at most 6 points per slide, covered by 6 to 12 spoken sentences and no more than about two spoken minutes. Please have your presentations ready on a USB stick and contact the session chair before your session to allow for pre-loading onto the venue computers.
Be prepared to begin your presentation as soon as the prior presenter has finished, as it is important to keep on schedule. You should meet with your session chair during the break immediately prior to your session. Meet inside or near the door of the presentation room. If the room is not being used, this will give you a chance to test any presentation equipment you will be using. Copying your files to the computer before the session will also save you some time during your presentation.
ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS: Make sure each of your key points is easy to explain with aid of the material on your slides. Do not read directly from the slide during your presentation. You shouldn’t need to prepare a written speech, although it is often a good idea to prepare the opening and closing sentences in advance. It is very important that you rehearse your presentation in front of an audience before you give your presentation at QoMEX. Surrogate presenters must be sufficiently familiar with the material being presented to answer detailed questions from the audience. In addition, the surrogate presenter must contact the Session Chair in advance of the presenter’s session.
EQUIPMENT PROVIDED: The presentation room will be equipped with a computer, a video projector, a microphone and a pointing device. The computer will have a recent version of the Windows OS installed, CD-ROM drive, as well as PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader software. Remember to embed all your fonts into your presentation, if you are using any special font or plug-in such as MathType.
Please, pay attention to the following critical points:
- Make sure your presentation does not run into a problem on Windows 7, Office 2010 platform, if you are a Mac or Linux user
- If you will be playing video or animated media, make sure it runs on Windows Media Player or the VideoLan Player (VLC)
- Embed all the fonts in your presentation
Poster Presentations
Poster sessions are a good medium for authors to present papers and meet with interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions. In addition, attendees find the poster sessions a good way to sample many papers in parallel sessions. Thus it is important that you display your message clearly and noticeably to attract people who might have an interest in your paper.
The poster sessions are 90 minutes long. Prior to your scheduled poster session, there will be a ‘Poster Madness’ session where each poster presenter will be allocated 2 minutes (and at least one slide) to introduce their work to the audience. You should prepare a sufficient explanation of your work, concentrating on the key innovation, and be ready to interact with the audience that approaches your poster. Please note that your Poster Madness presentation slides are due by June 30, 5pm (Pacific Time) to allow for pre-loading onto the venue computers. Please submit your slides without animations to using the paper ID with the following format X-YY.ppt(x) at which X={F,S} (full, short) and YY=[0-9][0-9].
Please put up your poster during the lunch break before your poster session, and take it down during the break immediately following your session. Pushpins and velcro will be available to mount the poster. If you need extra presentation materials, such as a video display or computer, you will be required to bring them yourself and please advise the conference organiser by June 30, 2013 to indicate your request. Also note that any equipment used in the poster area should be battery-operated, since power may not be provided on the floor.
If your poster is constructed of multiple pieces of paper, it is highly recommended to tape together all of the pieces before you mount the poster on the board, since there is a limited amount of time available for the mounting process.
DIMENSIONS: The recommended poster size is A1 (594 x 841 mm or 23.39 x 33.11 in). The maximum poster size is A0 (841 x 1189 mm or 33.11 x 46.81 in). Push tacks or velcro adhesive will be provided at the conference to mount your poster to the board.
ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS: Your poster should cover the key points of your work. It need not, and should not, attempt to include all the details; you can describe them in person to people who are interested. The ideal poster is designed to attract attention, provide a brief overview of your work, and initiate discussion. Carefully and completely prepare your poster well in advance of the conference. Try tacking up the poster before you leave for the conference to see what it will look like and to make sure that you have all of the necessary pieces.
FORMATTING: The title of your poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters about 25mm high. Below the title put the author(s)’ name(s) and affiliation(s). The flow of your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right. Use arrows to lead your viewer through the poster. Use color for highlighting and to make your poster more attractive. Use pictures, diagrams, cartoons, figures, etc., rather than text wherever possible. Try to state your main result in 6 lines or less, in lettering about 15mm high so that people can read the poster from a distance. The smallest text on your poster should be at least 9mm high, and the important points should be in a larger size. Use a sans-serif font (such as “cmss” in the Computer Modern family or the “Helvetica” PostScript font) to make the print easier to read from a distance. Make your poster as self-explanatory as possible. This will save your efforts for technical discussions.
TIME: Prepare a short presentation of about 5 or 10 minutes that you can periodically give to those assembled around your poster throughout the poster session. If possible, more than one author should attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions, and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other posters.