The fifth international workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) will bring together leading professionals and scientists interested in evaluating multimedia quality and user experience. QoMEX is the flagship workshop of the European COST action Qualinet, which serves as its technical and financial sponsor. After San Diego (2009), Trondheim (2010), Mechelen (2011), and Yarra Valley (2012), QoMEX 2013 will be held in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria.
Multimedia is a ubiquitous part of modern life; content is delivered to a wide variety of devices both fixed and mobile, the consumption environment can vary dramatically, and users increasingly demand fulfilling interaction with their media. Evaluation, both objective and subjective, of separate audio, video, or image content is well established, but there are substantial challenges in assessing users’ experiences of mixed content. This is exacerbated by the diversity of devices, interfaces, consumption environments, and content prevalent in today’s market. Increasingly, evaluation approaches must include psychological, perceptual, and contextual dimensions to truly represent and measure the users’ experiences. Understanding and modelling how users react to and perceive content and applications will inform and improve new applications and lead to better user experiences.
Authors are invited to submit full (six pages) and/or short (two pages) papers according to the guidelines available on the conference Web site. The proceedings of will be published in IEEE Xplore (pending). Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Visual User Experience (Image/Video/Graphics): Objective and subjective quality evaluation, psychovisual modelling, quality-centered processing, compression and transmission, QoE evaluation in HD and beyond.
Auditory User Experience (Speech/Audio): Psychoacoustic modelling, quality assessment of interactive speech and audio applications/interfaces, models and metrics for evaluation of spatial audio.
Sensory User Experiences: Novel sensory interfaces, methods for sensory user feedback, quality metrics and assessment methods for evaluation of ambient and sensory experiences.
QoE for Mobile Devices: device-dependent, adaptive user interfaces, evaluating interactive experiences on mobile devices, objective/subjective evaluation of iPhone/Android multimedia applications.
QoE for 3D Multimedia: QoE metrics and evaluation methods for 3D audio/video, virtual, augmented and mixed realities, haptic interaction, other immersive modalities, and interactive interfaces.
Standardization Activities in Multimedia Quality Evaluation: Benchmarking efforts, multimedia databases/datasets of various modalities (speech, audio, video, sensory, etc.) and fidelities (quality, bitrate, etc.), testing conditions and methods (crowdsourcing), new objective metrics/models.
Quality Indicators and Uses: Mean Opinion Score (MOS) and alternatives, acceptance vs. satisfaction, individual impairments, link between QoS and QoE, long-term quality assessment, quality-based feedback and control, service-level agreements, crowdsourcing, etc.
Applications and Services: Evaluating QoE in multimedia applications, e.g., games/gamification, biomedical/telemedicine, distance education, teleconferencing/telepresence, multimedia Web search/browsing, cloud-based multimedia applications, crowdsourcing, etc.
Importent dates can be found here. Additionally, a PDF and TXT version of the CfP is available.